วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Omega National Premium Cabinet Mount Wine Lattice, 18 Bottle Capacity, 24 inch W x 30 inch H, Red Oak Unfinished Wood

Omega National Premium Cabinet Mount Wine Lattice, 18 Bottle Capacity, 24 inch W x 30 inch H, Red Oak Unfinished Wood Review

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Store and display your wine collection with these solid hardwood wine lattices from Omega National. These wine lattices are available in several sizes and can be easily cut to size to fit any application. The 17 inch W x 29 inch H lattice can hold 11 bottles of wine, the 17 inch W x 36 inch H lattice holds 14 bottles, the 24 inch W x 30 inch H lattice holds 18 bottles and the 24 inch W x 43 inch H lattice can hold up to 28 full-sized bottles of wine. The standard series of wine lattice are available in Red Oak, Maple, Hickory, Cherry, Alder, or White unfinished wood. The standard series wine lattices are made from moldings 3/4 inch deep and 7/16 inch wide. This series features glued and mechanically fastened joints and 4 inch W x 4 inch H bottle openings. The Premium Series of wine lattices features 4-1/4 inch W x 4-1/4 inch H bottle openings and is constructed from 11/16 inch W x 11/16 inch H hardwood moldings. The wine lattices are available in Red Oak, Maple, Hickory, Cherry, or Alder woods. Premium wine lattices have routed openings for a unique look.

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