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Photographic Print of Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room from Everett Collection

Photographic Print of Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room from Everett Collection Review

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Photographic Print of Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room from Everett Collection Feature

  • PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINT This 18 x12 Print features an image of Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room chosen by Everett Collection. Estimated image size 354x305mm.
  • High quality RA4 prints. Printed on Kodak Endura and Edge papers. Size refers to paper used
  • Image Description: Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room. Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room during the turmoil of the federally enforced desegregation of Central High School. Bottom row, left to right Thelma Mothershed, Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Gloria Ray; Top row, left to right Jefferson Thomas, Melba Pattillo, Terrence Roberts, Carlotta Walls, Daisy Bates (NAACP President), Ernest Green. Ca. 1957.
  • For any queries regarding this image of Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room please contact Everett Collection c/o Media Storehouse quoting Media Reference 5998703
  • Image of Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room is supplied by Everett Collection. © Copyright Everett Collection

18 x12 Print showing Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room. Little Rock Nine and Daisy Bates posed in living room during the turmoil of the federally enforced desegregation of Central High School. Bottom row, left to right Thelma Mothershed, Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Gloria Ray; Top row, left to right Jefferson Thomas, Melba Pattillo, Terrence Roberts, Carlotta Walls, Daisy Bates (NAACP President), Ernest Green.

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